Rotech Healthcare

Blog posts from February 2021

Keeping your CPAP clean: What you need to know

Keeping your CPAP equipment clean is vital for staying healthy and getting the most out of your CPAP therapy. But it can be tough to figure out which piece of CPAP equipment needs cleaning, how to clean it, and how often! Here’s a guide to keeping your CPAP equipment in tip-top shape.

Every Day:

Nasal Mask, Full Face Mask, and Tubing

If you don’t clean your CPAP mask, then oils from your face can build up and degrade the materials in your mask. This can result in a less effective seal. A dirty mask can also cause skin irritation or even contribute to skin breakouts. You’ll need to clean both the cushion and frame each day.

  • Wash in warm water with mild detergent
  • Rinse thoroughly under cold running water
  • Shake off excess water
  • Allow to air dry on a paper towel.
  • Cover parts with another paper towel to help keep dust off

If you’re pressed for time, specially designed CPAP Mask wipes can help you safely and gently clean and maintain your mask without giving it a full daily wash. Keep in mind that they’re only for occasional use; you’ll still need to wash your mask regularly to keep it in optimal condition.

Some people find it convenient and less messy to clean their tubing in the shower or bath, then hang it over the bar to dry!

Every 3 Days:


Empty any extra water in your humidifier every morning, and refill it with clean, distilled water right before bed. Letting water sit in your humidifier all day can lead to bacteria or mold growth.

  • Wash in warm water with mild detergent
  • Rinse thoroughly under cold running water
  • Shake off excess water
  • Soak humidifier for 30 minutes in a solution of 1 part white vinegar and 3 parts water
  • Rinse thoroughly under cold running water
  • Shake off excess water
  • Allow to air dry on a paper towel and cover with another paper towel to keep dust off
  • Dispose of white vinegar and water

Every Week:

Headgear or chinstrap

  • Machine or hand wash in mild detergent if soiled
  • Lay flat and allow to air dry

Reusable filter

  • Wash in warm soapy water
  • Rinse well using cold running water
  • Gently squeeze out excess water
  • Let the filter dry completely before reinstalling

Keeping your CPAP equipment clean can seem overwhelming at first, but soon it’ll be a simple part of your regular morning routine! Remember, even clean and well-cared for CPAP equipment doesn’t last forever, so don’t forget to replace your supplies as needed!

Looking for additional CPAP cleaning supplies, like wipes or a CPAP mask and accessory sanitizer? See the selection at SHOPRotech!